[250108] build your own redis in clojure
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링크 : https://blog.pjam.me/posts/toy-redis-clojure/
재미있어 보여서 따라해보았다.
1 소스코드
(ns redis-server-atom (:require [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.core.async :as a] [clojure.string :as string]) (:import (java.net ServerSocket))) (defn atoi "Attempt to convert a string to integer, returns nil if it can't be parsed" [string] (try (Integer/valueOf string) (catch NumberFormatException _e nil))) (def valid-commands "Valid commands" #{"GET" "SET" "DEL" "INCR"}) (defn key-request "Helper to structure the basic parts of a command" [command key] {:command command :key key}) (defn key-value-request "Helper to structure the various parts of a SET command" [command key value] (assoc (key-request command key) :value value)) (defn request-for-command "Return a structured representation of a client command" [command parts] (cond (= command "GET") (key-request :get (get parts 1)) (= command "SET") (key-value-request :set (get parts 1) (get parts 2)) (= command "INCR") (key-request :incr (get parts 1)) (= command "DEL") (key-request :del (get parts 1)))) (defn increment-number "Wrap the lower level operations required to process an increment command" [db key] (swap-vals! db (fn [current-state] (if (contains? current-state key) (let [number (atoi (get current-state key))] (if number (assoc current-state key (str (+ number 1))) current-state)) (assoc current-state key "1"))))) (defn process-command "Perform various operations depending on the command sent by the client" [db request] (let [command (request :command) key (request :key) value (request :value)] (cond (= command :get) (if key (get @db key "") "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'get' command") (= command :set) (if (and key value) (do (swap! db (fn [current-state] (assoc current-state key value))) "OK") "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' command") (= command :del) (if key (let [[old-value _] (swap-vals! db (fn [current-state] (dissoc current-state key)))] (if (contains? old-value key) "1" "0")) "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'del' command") (= command :incr) (if key (let [[_ new-value] (increment-number db key) number (atoi (get new-value key))] (if number number "ERR value is not an integer or out of range")) "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'incr' command") :else "Unknown command"))) (defn handle-client "Read from a connected client, and handles the various commands accepted by the server" [client-socket db] (a/go-loop [] ;; (1) (let [request (.readLine (io/reader client-socket)) writer (io/writer client-socket)] (if (nil? request) (do (println "Nil request, closing") (.close client-socket)) (let [parts (string/split request #" ") command (get parts 0)] (cond (contains? valid-commands command) (let [request (request-for-command command parts) ;; (2) value (process-command db request)] ;; (3) (.write writer (str value "\n")) (.flush writer) (recur)) (= command "QUIT") (.close client-socket) :else (do (println "Unknown request:" request) (recur)))))))) (defn main "Start a server and continuously wait for new clients to connect" [& _args] (println "About to start ...") (let [db (atom {})] (with-open [server-socket (ServerSocket. 3000)] (loop [] (let [client-socket (.accept server-socket)] (handle-client client-socket db)) (recur))))) (main) ;; clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "1.7.701"}}}' -M redis_server_atom.clj ;; nc localhost 3000